Sunday, October 20, 2013

Presentation Module 4-2


  1. Too bad Prezi is blocked at my school!

  2. Great Prezi! I especially like your info on what students say. It's too bad that Prezi is blocked at your school, it's an awesome tool.

  3. Thanks, Tammy. We may be able to get it unblocked if we can come up with a good reason to use it. We are not just a school but a hospital facility also, so HIPPA gets involved. That's why our IT is so tight. I'm not sure how many students at our school would use it. We are able to access VoiceThread and Blendspace (but you're right, Prezi is quite different from them) I have used Glogster with students too.

  4. I love how you used the image and then added all of your information within the picture. Very creative! Great resources and videos provided.
