Saturday, December 7, 2013

NETS Proficiencies

edu641 mod 10-2

Here is my wiki on the NETS-T and NETS-A mastery.  I took the information I learned from my observations and interviews and put the artifacts into a matrix for each area showing how they meet the standards.  

I thought I could embed it here, but I could not figure out how to do it, so here is a link to my wiki.


  1. Cindy, I couldn't access your wiki. I needed permission.

    1. Thanks, Jenn. I forgot to change the permissions. It's all set now.

  2. I liked the break down of each activity which allows you to see how different technologies are being used and in what subject area. I also liked the way I could almost "see" your observations. I wish I could have met with the TI at my location but she is not full-time in one place and administration was in the middle of several meetings and workshops. It was very difficult to meet with them when our schedules allowed. However, I did get to interview and observe some wonderful teachers and learned a great deal from them.

  3. I like that the first link is an overview of the standards for teachers and administrators in your wiki. The examples of evidence are great and I think would help those who are just learning about NETS. I've learned that my district is pretty behind when it comes to technology and a table like you've created would be a great tool for the teachers in my building. I also like what you have for administrators because it gives them a guide as to how they need to support teachers in the endeavor to meet those standards. Great job!

  4. This is perfect. What is so wonderful is that it is all real world examples of what is really happening in your school. As I was reading it over, it made me think that our administration does use more technology than I previously thought as we use a lot of data collection tools and reporting through our NWEA reporting system and other tools such as curriculum mapping. It is so nice to see that even though they do not meet each and every standard each time, they are consistently meeting many and that there is a lot of technology integrated in your school. Teachers are doing great things. So an extension activity for professional development might be to continue with this project and add student samples along with student NETS and Common Core Standards.
