Sunday, November 24, 2013

Promoting Tinkering in STEM Education

I just came across this via Facebook and had to share it.  This slidedeck was created by the coauthor of my favorite book on constructionist education, Invent to Learn, Sylvia Martinez.  It's a great read with lots of ideas and has a Kindle version too.

Tinkering towards technology literacy from smartinez

References: Martinez, S.  Tinkering and stem, good for girls and all. [Weblog]. Retrieved from:


  1. Don't you just love her and her presentations! They are so visually interesting and so informative. I love her website and use it with my other classes a lot as well as when I teach my middle school students how to create presentations! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I haven't seen any other presentations by her, but I did love the book. I read it last term on top of my Curriculum Development book by Heidi Jacobs and the two books just seemed to complement each other.

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